Meet the Most Liveable and Unliveable Floors in ABH (2)
“Functioning showers, neat toilets, and a great view for ABH football games”; what makes the most liveable floor in ABH?
“If I am happy inside, then I live in paradise, no matter where my residence is”- Mac Anderson.
Despite paying the same amount for accommodation fees, it is no news that Brownites do not enjoy the same luxury – understandably so.
Mild variations in facilities are the rule and not the exception. This is, however, not the case when extremes are considered. Therefore, we present the best and worst performers for the male axis of the hall using the exact method employed to arrive at the rankings for the female living area.
“When reviewing these findings, it is sad to note that the presence of running water on our floors is still taken into account for assessing liveability in 2022.”
Issues around floor hygiene, availability of running water, the stability of COMUI’s internet service, and other minor perks were taken into context with expert consultation from various floor members.
Most Liveable Male floor in ABH – E Block first floor.
Following the renovation that occurred during the lockdown period, occupants of E Block- first floor have continued to enjoy the services of a very-neat bathroom and toilet (going by ABH standards), with water that flows from the taps and showers all day long. Also, in a period of water shortage or faulty water pumps, only a decent distance separates residents from the storage tanks at F-Block.
The air-conditioned ABH reading room and the hall cafeteria are located within a reasonable distance, and these facilities are easily accessible to its occupants. In addition, the coverage of the CoMUI internet routers on most parts of the floor is strong, and residents benefit from an extra router in the reading room for use.

In recent weeks when ABH football has picked up momentum, residents of E1 have been graced with the best viewing spot for football matches played by Brownites. While the E block ground floor is regarded as too close to the pitch, the second and third floors are a far way for optimum satisfaction while viewing an ongoing match.
“Nothing good ever comes without a price”; Pulitzer-prize winner Larry McMurty writes
..and the price floor occupants pay here is that they become landlords to mosquitoes, rats, and crows that inspect the floor waste bins daily. Also, clogging of the bathroom drainage of E1 occurs regularly every morning and occupants either choose between bathing in a dirty flood or migrating for a bath.
Most Unliveable Male floor in ABH – F Block.
F block, the only block in ABH with just one floor, has been regarded as the least liveable floor. The block was recently reclaimed from Female Brownites in exchange for two floors in D block.
The poorly constructed toilets and bathrooms stand tall in the list of reasons we consider F block the least liveable. The narrow bathrooms, damaged toilet doors, and faulty wash hand basins conspire in this regard coupled with the fact that there is little or no privacy due to influx of Cleaners and Brownites from other blocks. In addition, of the five taps installed in the bathrooms, just one (which on most days serves the entire ABH) is functioning, and the toilet floors are perpetually waterlogged. Unlike before, there has been an impairment of water supply to the block due to a damage to the pump that serves it.
During the conversion to a male block, urinals, as well as kitchenettes and kitchen basins, were not made available. This has continued to pose a problem, especially with waste disposal. In addition, the rusty and damaged railings, narrow and poorly-lit passageway, and unpainted exterior do not give the best impression when seen from a distance. The untamed garden in front of F block also serves as a nursery for rats and mosquitoes, which loiter freely at dark.
CoMUI internet coverage does not exist in F-block despite the IT department visits and hall router renovation that previous tenures undertook.
Despite the excellent viewing pleasure that the passageway of F block provides, occupants are not shielded from the noise and dry-season dust generated by supporters and players, respectively.
In compensation for the aforementioned, F block boasts of the most spacious living rooms in the entire hall and the rooms are well ventilated.