When There Are No Words

Lovers by Ulyana Linenko

A look.
A brief glance –
That moment when time stopped
And our two worlds aligned.
I knew
And you knew
It was the beginning of bliss.
The communication of hearts
That needed no words.

A dance.
Feet moving
To the rhythm of two hearts
That had learned to beat as one.
I knew
And you knew
It was the song of forever.
Whispers of a future
That needed no words.

A sigh.
A depth.
The end of all things,
The start of nothing.
I knew
And you knew
It was the end of looks and dances.
Too much to be said
But there were no words.

A tear.
A sign.
The release of a hope
That has looked to eternity.
I knew
And you knew
That words were cages.
With one look,
A touch of the hands,
The steady thrum of our hearts
We can build an infinity of memories
That require no words.

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