Elections are here again for the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ibadan.
This time, the faculty is witnessing a massive turn-out from the female folks across all levels, battling it out for a seat in the Executive Council. Contrary to the usual masculine dominance that seems to be the standard during electoral campaigns even in the country, Department of Dentistry is heading towards an overhauling of the “status quo”, with more females than males holding the reins of power, in the coming years.
Taking points after Lt. Colonel Paulina Olubunmi Aburime, the first female president of the association, Cynthia Ojeh rose to power last year, after defeating her male opponent, thus breaking the long sequence of male presidents to rule the association.
As the Ojeh administration draws to a close, Urenna Emeyonu, the current vice president; has picked up the presidential banner declaring her intentions to return to the office as President of the association. Interestingly so far, no male has picked up the gauntlet to challenge her since her declaration. In the same vein, the positions of the General Secretary, the CODEH Chairman, Public Relations Officer and Special Duties Officers equally have their banners picked by female candidates gunning for the positions without no male counterparts stepping up to contest.
Adejumo Michael and Oladejo Olanrewaju opted for the positions of Vice-President and Assistant General Secretary respectively without opposition, with no one stepping up to declare interest in the position of the treasurer of the association. With Damilola Egbewole presiding as the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, and Muiz Salami playing the role of her Secretary, the question of the lips of many is, “what is happening to the male folks, this time? Are they being humble or there really is no one capable enough to step up to the task ahead?”
This year, perhaps the male folks have decided to sit down, and offer assistance to the female folks who seem to be taking the bull by the horn, or maybe the males are not quite ready to be in the power yet. One cannot help but notice the sudden withdrawal of a male candidate from the position of General Secretary, who took down his e-campaign few days after declaring his intentions. Could it be out of fear of being defeated or perhaps an act of chivalry, after noticing how much publicity his female opponent had above him?
Indeed, dentistry students are heading towards a new and refreshing era, with female dominance of power, and we are eager to see how much change this will drive for the faculty. Although each candidate is going unopposed, dental students believe that this year’s election looks seemingly interesting, with the caliber of persons who have declared interest thus far, with five females and two males declaring intent so far.
Perhaps its time for the males to sit back, and let the women show them how things are properly done!
The screening result may ostensibly be proof to show that these candidates are definitely here to change, and change for the better, is good! Come this Saturday, dental students will be coming out en masse to decide the fate of the association. Will these candidates be able to convince them beyond reasonable doubt at the manifesto on Thursday?

….time will tell