Come, come on this roller-coaster with me,
Let’s nosedive into the ocean of music.
Let’s dig deep into our roots with only one cause –
To tap into the energy of the cosmic force.

Listen, listen to the fluttering cymbals of my eyelashes,
Beckoning on you to come do the Samba that matches.
Yes! My impatient hips wants us to Rock and Roll.
You need no interpreter’s lips before you know,
For universal is this language that all should know.

Reach, reach for my heart and feel its treble,
Let the boom and the bang cause your core to tremble.
Wiggle to the rhythm of my pulses,
Let them jazz you into wild trances.
Even when the world sees our waltz to be maniacal,
Let’s prove to them nothing beats our synergy to this classical.

Before envy makes them amplify their shocking scale of woo to you,
Let us show them how we do the Shoki and Skelewu.
Let us blaze on this floor with a fire nothing can cool,
Moving our souls and synchronising our soles to do the Zanku.
If my breath comes bearing to your neck the tunes of blues or percussion,
Do not let our twists and turns falter in confusion.
Just dance with me darling, that’s all you’ll find in my ululation.

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