Chinedu Nwaduru, the Enigmatic Student: Opinion of an Admirer


If you are looking for a larger than life leader, Chinedu is your man. If you are looking for the most eloquent of speakers, Chinedu is the one you’re looking for. In fact, if you are looking for a husband material, Chinedu is definitely your Prince Charming. If you are looking for an epitome of virtues needed for success in just one person, your description perfectly fits Chinedu.

A leader per excellence, his achievements speak well ahead of him. His strides at Federation of African Medical Students’ Association headquarters board (FAMSA, especially at the 50th General Assembly), University of Ibadan Medical Students’ Association (UIMSA) Senate, Alexander Brown Hall (ABH) Press and numerous committees he has headed bear testaments to his effective, exceptional leadership ability.

I vividly remember when he took over as the Editor-in-Chief of ABH Press, it was largely nonexistent as Brownites hardly knew there was a press organisation in the hall. Bringing his insatiable penchant for excellence, Chinedu revitalized ABH Press and brought it from obscurity into limelight to win the best Press organisation of the year. This was despite grumblings from sister Press organisation who thought their spurt of activity could clinch them the award. Unknown to them, Chinedu with his few pressmen had burned ABH Press into the subconscious of Brownites with the dynamism and promptness of trending news delivery he introduced.

His ability to balance constructive criticism with adequate praise is extraordinary. He does this with a staggering fluidity. When a person deserves to be reprimanded, Chinedu is not one to mince words to adequately criticize such a person albeit constructively. However, when you are worthy of commendation, he does not hoard words to praise you. He lavishes the word freely both in public and private to praise you.

On not one, two or ten times have I been a recipient of both shades of Chinedu. Those times he will type ‘fantastic’, ‘great’ after submitting an article were refreshing moments especially in my early days in the Press club. Likewise apologising for his mistakes, he is one leader I’ve seen does not delay in making you know he is sorry.

Talk again about his sense of discipline and diligence. They are exemplary and worthy of emulation. That trademark of Chinedu’s diligence and eye for excellence reverberates through in everything does. Ask any UIMSITE, I have no doubt none present at the last UIMSA dinner titled ‘Winter in Wonderland ‘ would not forget in a hurry the pomp, grandeur and ostentation they were treated to. That’s the handiwork of Chinedu’s highly creative mind and his committee members. The immediate past president of University of Ibadan Medical Students’ Association (UIMSA), Mr Yahya Muhammad Bashir could not contain his admiration at the grandiosity of the event, he had to refer to Chinedu as a ‘national treasure’ on his WhatsApp status.

However, I believe and many will also believe with me that that does not perfectly depict the extent of his capabilities, I will preferably refer to him as an international treasure waiting to be unleashed. The whole wide world is his stage. He has truly inspired and been a mentor to many including me, though indirectly.

Academically, he is not found wanting. From medical stuff, to general knowledge, to movies, to mythology, he is above average, well, except in football (he knows almost nothing about that, probably only that Nigeria has never won the world cup, tongue out). You would not want to engage Chinedu in a stuff battle except you are Segun or Edward, you will probably leave his presence with your tails in between your legs. He was part of the team that represented UIMSA at the Lagos State University College of Medicine Intermedical School Quiz Competition where UIMSA came second after the host school. He was the past vice-president of UIMSA Royal Quiz Club, after serving as the General Secretary of the Club previously.

In the arts, he excels. He has written, acted and directed many plays including the critically acclaimed Sinfonia opera, titled ‘Phantom of Opera’. He was once the drama coordinator in his fellowship where he wrote and directed the play ‘The King’ which was staged at The Wole Soyinka Art Theatre, University of Ibadan. A master of Master of Ceremonies, you can be rest assured your event will be ‘lit’ if Chinedu is in charge.

What about the length of his husband material? It extends to infinity. Who will beat Chinedu when it comes to preparing both local and exotic dishes? No one I’ve seen around here yet. He won the maiden edition of ABH’s Cooking competition beating both male and female alike. He is that good. He has however not invited me to have a taste of his delicious and exquisite delicacies.That, I’m yet to forgive him on. Refer to him if you need guidance on any delicacy, he will surely guide you right.

Truly no human is perfect, he does have his own imperfections such as when he tries to be blunt with you, he might strike a nerve. And of course, there are some who are not able to bear his bluntness in good faith.

To bring my short epistle to an unintended close, Chinedu Nwaduru is not just an ordinary student, he is a distinct one rarely seen. There are too numerous things to write about him, too many awards he has won l can not begin to list here (you can refer to the UIMSA Primus list which captured some). The ease with which he juggles everything he does without letting one affect the other still amazes me. You would not see or hear him complain of being overwhelmed to do what is expected of him. He is an enigma, an ingenious force you can’t but reckon with. Truly, COMUI will sorely miss him and I look forward to see who will be able to fit into the lacuna he will leave behind in COMUI.

I wish you a fabulous journey in life as you continue to impact, transform and inspire many people.

An opinion by Joseph Edun

  1. Abdulbasit Fehintola says


  2. Temilade Adeniyi says

    Can someone be over right? ?.
    He’s also not invited me yet to eat ?

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