ABH outlines Blueprint for Gradual Return to the ‘pre-COVID’ Era



It’s been so many months since joyful praises and soulful worship returned to the confines of ABH cafeteria and Famewo Common Room. Needless to note that routine Sunday gatherings suffered a minor setback when COVID cases in ABH were identified and contact tracing commenced. Shortly after, organizations and groups within the hall resumed meeting at the common room. After ‘The Forum’ had set the tempo, Red Cross, ABH L&D, and Sinfonia amongst others followed closely.

It’s now been weeks since the athletes in the hall began to assemble at evenings and odd hours to play volleyball. About ten of them in number with an officiating umpire unite without restriction, eagerly leaping around a ball while trying to keep it air bound infinitely – in sharp contrast with the laws of gravity.

Few days ago, the TV room reopened. Brownites rekindled the ritual of assembling in fifties or perhaps hundreds to watch sports and Big Brother Naija. The infrared thermometer that once stared from the porters’ lodge at all entrants that gained access to the hall has not been well patronized in recent times. Curtains are also being drawn on the era of strict enforcement of hand washing and mask-wearing within the hall.

Plans are of course in place to reopen the reading room since its indefinite closure on 11th August. Hopefully, restrictions could be lifted on dining-in at the cafeterias, and routine football matches on ABH pitch would return to claim its pivotal role in the community life at Alexander Brown Hall.

ABH Press understands that the hall warden, Dr Uchendu assured the executive members of the hall that activities will commence fully in the hall provided that 95% of residents have been vaccinated. Speaking of anti-vaxxers, he mentioned that next session, accommodation will not be given to Brownites who declined vaccination. Over the last few hours, a link has been widely circulated by the Information Ministry urging Brownites to fill in their details and indicate their vaccination status.

1 Comment
  1. Deborah says

    Nice read. We really hope to have the full normalcy, particularly dining-in at cafeteria??

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