The fifth ordinary meeting of the current tenure took place on the 17th of December 2022 at the Famewo Common Room. The meeting slated for 7 pm commenced at 7:20 pm after Honourable Okunlola moved for the commencement of the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and the agenda of the current meeting was set for the meeting to begin proper.
The first item on the agenda was the induction of a new Honourable into the Hall Assembly. Honourable Solomon of the Association of Physiotherapy Students constituency was inducted into the Hall Assembly after she was chosen by her department.
The Hall Chairperson, Mr David Salami then gave the State of the Hall address. In his address, he spoke about the achievements of his cabinet so far, including the continued lighting of the hall, the hepatitis B vaccination drive, the fixing of the snooker table and the tank washing exercise. He also outlined some of the challenges his cabinet had faced and iterated that continuous support from Brownites was necessary for the fulfilment of all their promises.
The Finance Minister, Miss Tolulope Abodunrin, presented the financial report of the Hall. The report contained the income and expenditure of the Hall since the last ordinary meeting. Honourable Babalola pointed out that the report was not properly done as the details of some expenses were not explicitly stated. The corrected version of the financial report was then adopted by the Assembly.
Honourable Obeya, head of the ABH FA, then presented a report on the concluded season. He pointed out that it was the first time the league was completed in about 3 years. He mentioned that there were a few peculiarities of the just concluded season, to ensure adaptability and smooth running of the league. He then highlighted some of the hurdles the FA had to overcome during the course of the season, alongside suggestions to ensure that those issues do not arise in future seasons.

A proposal to reopen the ABH Ventures was presented by the Finance Minister. She listed out the issues that led to its closure in the first place. She also presented a set of solutions to those issues, alongside an expenditure and profit plan for the Ventures. A number of Honourables pointed out flaws in the proposal and Honourable Babalola advised that proper planning was essential to the reopening of the venture, lest it closes again. The proposal was then deferred to be reconsidered at another meeting.
The Chief Whip of the assembly, Honourable Babalola, then gave the report of the disciplinary committee. He noted that Honourable Ezekiel had been absent from two Hall Assemblies without prior notice. He also noted that the constitutional punishment for such conduct was removal from the assembly. The assembly then voted by a simple majority to remove Honourable Ezekiel from the Hall Assembly.
The final point of discussion was brought up by Honourable Okunlola, regarding the language used in the notice posted concerning the ABH gym by the Defence Minister. After the Defence Minister defended the notice as just gym lingo, Honourable Okunlola maintained that such language was inappropriate for an official release and the defence Minister was asked to withdraw the notice.

Honourable Nwakpa moved for the meeting to be adjourned and the meeting was concluded at 11:15 pm.