About two years before the pandemic swept across the world, medical students in the prestigious College of Medicine were always spotted dressed to the nines in their well-ironed corporate attires. The men in their shirts and trousers, always spotting a tie, a belt, dress shoes, and well-kempt hair. The ladies in corporate skirts and tops or gowns, properly cleaned flats, and well-groomed hair. The college side we always heard about was a new world entirely. Doctors were interested in dressing and were on the prowl for a single hair out of place. That used to be life as we knew it. Whether we liked that life or not, nobody gave it a thought until two years ago.

After the one-year COVID/ASUU break, resuming to school came with a different type of rules. Instead of corporate attires, medical students were to be in their scrubs. In place of ties, nose masks were of necessity, and inside your bags, hand sanitizers were encouraged.

The intended transient arrangement aimed at combating the spread of infection gradually became the norm and now appears to be staying the norm. The superb arrangement came with a certain uniformity, the tight dress code dissolving, not having to think up new combinations for your limited clothes pieces, and the icing on top, fewer clothes pieces to wash at the end of the week. Now, quite a lot can’t see themselves returning to Corporate wear.

However, not to look shabby or monotonous, students can now be seen in scrubs of varying colors and matching sneakers, flats, or crocs. And with this new and staying norm, many designs for scrubs have been created. While some have explored colors you never really knew existed, some have yet stuck to the old colors, but with a little spice.

People have come up with ways to better rock their scrubs, not sticking with the boring plain scrubs with or without the prestigious ward coat. Some have, especially during the rainy weather, tried and loved wearing a long-sleeved tee underneath the top. A suggestion most unadvisable now that harmattan is here and the days, unbearably hot. However, tucking in the top is gradually becoming a thing you might want to explore.

If these suggestions don’t appeal, spicing things up by styling the scrub itself is always an option. There are a lot of styles out there to explore. Do you pride yourself on being a designer? I’m sure the world can’t wait to see the styles you come up with. A few styles however, caught my eye that I think you might want to check out.


And if these still don’t suit your fancy, Pinterest pretty much has something for everybody so far you’re searching right. An easy way is searching with keywords – nice, cute, scrubs, style – all of which can be used separately in a creative fashion but preferably together.

How do you intend to wear your scrubs from maybe next year? Let’s know in the comments.

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