The day Pa Benji died, the sun shone so brightly, one couldn't stare into the sky's eyes. I couldn't pretend to be shocked when I heard the news because you see, he had long died in… Read More...
When I think of sandwiches, I just think two slices of bread, slapping anything fun or available in the middle and calling it a good day. However, there is a countless list of sandwich… Read More...
TV show poster.
It is rare and arguably anomalous for a TV adaptation to be better than the book. However, it seems the cast and crew of The Vampire Diaries took that as a personal… Read More...
With deep regret and sorrow, the passing of Professor Tal-Hatu Kolapo Hamzat, was announced in the late hours of 10th January, 2023. Professor Tal-Hatu Kolapo Hamzat was born on!-->… Read More...
On Friday, the 30th of December, the ABH and UCH community received shocking news. Dr Clement Okolo, Sub Dean of the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences and beloved teacher, had died. For… Read More...
The second season of this widely loved series is finally complete after the eager wait. In my opinion, season two went down a road very distinct from the first season. Nonetheless, it… Read More...
You've probably innocently asked someone, "what are you knitting?", only to be rewarded with a murderous glare. And though it was only an innocent mistake, some crocheters consider it a… Read More...
In recent times, years have surprisingly acquired the ability to fly by in what feels like barely a few months so I fully understand the urge to jump in head first. However, it is… Read More...
The land of fadeless day, streets made of gold, angels singing, the home of the righteous; heaven. I grew up in a Christian home. My parents were fervent believers who preached to… Read More...