Every time a book promises romance first and foremost before anything else, I automatically become sceptical of my ability to enjoy said book. More often than not, I doubt it so much that I end up not reading the book. Seven Days In June is one such book. When I eventually came around to reading it, it was because I was looking for a fluffy simple book to read between two intense books; All Quiet On The Western Front and Then She Was Gone.

Seven Days In June tells the story of Eva Mercy, formerly Genevieve Mercier, a single Black writer who is also a mother to quite the tween daughter and Shane Hall, a reclusive literary genius and seven-day flame from 20 years ago. The story begins with Eva, a popular erotica writer struggling to get her work adapted for TV. At a writers’ conference where Eva is one of the panellists, Shane shows up unannounced and steals her thunder. It is clear from the first confrontation that the two writers have a lot of pent-up baggage to work through. While they believe they are being covert about it, Eva’s fans sniff out their secret in less than 24 hours.

The story goes on to follow Eva and Shane unburdening themselves of the baggage from their seven-day pseudo-relationship from 20 years ago. It is written in chapters from the past, showing said seven-day relationship and chapters from the present showing how they reconnect and find each other once again. Or at least, try to.

Seven Days In June portrays how lonely and tiring living with a chronic illness can be, how difficult, scary and exhausting writing can be, and how important it is to seek and face the truth as soon as we are mentally ready. While Shane and Eva’s love story was beautifully written and definitely the best romance I have read this year, the highlights of the book for me were Audre, Eva’s opinionated liberal-minded daughter, and being reminded that teenage girls rule the world. Well that, and that brilliance is just right around the corner.

Seven Days In June was a beautiful read. I highly recommend it.

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