“EVERY PINT IS A WIN” – Chancellor, Hamstrings Club


The Hamstrings Club, UCH in collaboration with Junior Chamber International, UCH, Junior Chamber International, UI and the National Blood Transfusion Service, had the fourth edition of the project “Lend an Arm” blood donation drive on Saturday, 30th October 2021, with the theme “Find the hero in you”. It would appear that several Brownites indeed found the heroes in them as up to 100 Brownites donated blood during the event. Several other willing Brownites were unable to donate blood for a host of reasons which included low haemoglobin levels, not meeting the minimum weight requirement, recent illnesses, amongst others.

The organizers surely score points for punctuality as the event started at the scheduled time and Brownites who came to donate blood were evaluated, tested and adequately fed before donation of blood. A Brownite who could not donate says that “The encouragement, food and souvenirs provided were enough to convince me and many other people to donate. I hope I will be eligible to donate next year.”

According to Eghonghon Okojie, the Chancellor of the Hamstrings Club, the planning committee had some challenges which included: the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, as well as the NARD strike. Regardless, the event had to hold this year and they were eventually able to pull through with a successful event.

When asked what she thought about the turnout for the event, the Hamstrings Chancellor says, “Every pint of blood donated is a win. We did not meet our target but it was a good turnout nonetheless”. She also adds that future blood drives would perhaps have better turnouts if there are not too many events happening on the day of the blood drive.

As Brownites await the next edition of the project, “Lend an Arm”, they should be reminded that they can donate blood at the blood banks nearby in the meantime. Blood donors save lives and that is why they are called heroes. And yes, “every pint counts”.


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