picture credit: stitchfix.com

After a shocking few days of the return of harmattan, the weather has stayed undeniably hot over the past couple of days. It seems what we have to put up with now is day after day of unbearable heat that makes you tempted to strip bare or flay yourself. And as appealing as trotting around nude may seem considering our current weather conditions, clothes are a necessary evil. Here are some few tips to consider in putting together your daily outfit.



picture credit: iStockphoto.com

Colors are very important when considering clothing options. More often than not, it is what others notice and remember if they have to describe what you wore. Colors however have other importance outside of aesthetics. Bright colors like white, yellow and tan help to reflect heat away from you, while dark colors like black keep heat in. So if your favorite color is black, I apologize but you have to wear it less to keep cool.


Linen shorts and shirt. picture credit: boohoo.com

One thing I find fascinating about this part of the world is how people wear acrylic or wool, not caring if the sun is out blazing or not. But with this current weather, it is advisable to wear clothes made of breathable fabric like linen or cotton. Synthetic fabrics like acrylic or nylon should be avoided as they increase the chances of you being hot and sticky.


picture credit: whistles.com

The shorter your shorts, skirts, dresses or sleeves, the better it is. This gets more air circulating around your skin but on the downside, your skin is exposed to harsh sun rays. So for guys, stock up on short-sleeved and sleeveless round necks, and girls, get more sundresses and tank tops. For more conservative people, and formal occasions, avoid tight clothes. These make you sweaty and uncomfortable, unlike clothes that hang loosely on your body.


picture credit: lp2.hm.com

You can wear whatever footwear that pleases you, ranging from flip flops, to pumps, to sneakers. Although, it is advisable to wear breathable sneakers to allow for good air circulation. You should also put on socks as often as you can to absorb sweat from your feet and keep your footwear smelling nice and fresh.


Now, you have put your whole fit together using the tips above. Accessories are however needed to complete your look; a sun hat for a trip to the beach, a face cap for casual outings and even trips to the market, and sun shades for your eyes on all occasions. Finally, never forget to apply sunscreen especially on parts of your skin that you plan to leave exposed to sunlight.

I hope that as we navigate this current world of sunburns and sweating, we consider comfort as well as aesthetics when it comes to dressing up.

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