Let’s paint two pictures.
The first picture is of someone who has a problem (think of any problem) and doesn’t have money. The second picture is of someone who has the same problem and has money. Basically, the only difference is the presence or absence of money.

Now, think about how both of them can cope with that problem and who is likely to get over it faster. 90 percent of the time, it is the person who has money. And I don’t even need to carry out a study.

People say money can’t buy happiness. I’ve heard it countless times. That might be true. But then, one of the major causes of unhappiness is the lack of money – poverty. Yes, money can’t cure cancer. But the lack of money cannot either. However, a patient with cancer who has money can try out several treatment options. And a patient with cancer who has no money might die because they don’t have money for chemotherapy. Regardless, cancer is a cause of unhappiness.

Money cannot help you pass exams (I admit that is relative). But money can help you hire the best tutors even if they might not prove to be much help. Money can also buy you a comfortable study environment. And if you fail, well, money can buy you comfort food. Regardless, failure is a cause of unhappiness.

Money might not stop you from getting scammed. But money can help you recover from the scam. Money might not stop you from getting your heart broken but maybe money can help you indulge in the things you like while nursing your heart break. Money might not stop you from being born in Nigeria but money can give you the choice of relocating.

Let’s not forget that money can absolutely prevent some causes of unhappiness too. Money can prevent you from getting evicted from your home. Money can prevent you from being unemployed. Money can prevent you from dying of hunger.

Can money buy happiness? Probably not. But maybe money can help you cope with unhappiness a little better and perhaps prevent further unhappiness. Afterall, it’s better to be sad that your date ditched you without having to worry about how to pay the bill at the same time. If we’re all going to be unhappy anyways, we might as well have some money to go with it.

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