On Friday, 20th May 2022, a congress was called. This congress was called because there was a need to discuss pressing issues in the hall, where the said pressing issue was the 2022 Alexender Brown Hall Election. The congress was headed by the speaker and had in attendance several well-meaning Brownites. After hours of deliberation, the resolution reached was that a two-pronged approach be employed. A letter was to be sent by the electoral commission chairperson to the Hall Warden stating why conducting a new election would be very difficult, with the newly elected executive members writing a cover letter stating that they were fine with the outcome of the elections. Also, delegates were to be sent to the Dean of Student Affairs to intimate him with the problems faced as regards the electoral process, and plead that we be allowed to use the election results.
On Tuesday, 24th May 2022, the delegates to the Dean of Students went to see the Dean and the meeting was held at his office. The issues as regards the breach of the due electoral process were discussed with the delegates pleading with the Dean for his understanding. The Dean, in response to the pleas, stated that while the due process was indeed not followed, we were pardoned and could proceed with using the election results as the elections were free and fair. He however mentioned that when ASUU finally resumes and the list of candidates is properly vetted, any executive member found wanting would have to vacate office and by-elections would be done to vote in a new candidate.
Also, on the same day, the said letter from the electoral commission chairperson, as well as the cover letter by the newly elected executive council, were sent to the Hall Warden. In response to this letter, he mentioned that he was fine with the letter.
Following the significant progress made as regards the 2022 Alexander Brown Hall Elections, we anticipate that the handing-over process would begin in earnest.