You were made to bloom
Like roses, luscious and red
The very symbol of love and passion
Best of the best and everyone’s favourite
A pure delight for the one who beholds
But for tulips, sophistication has never
Been their forté, yet they wear colourful simplicity
With such elegance, they’re simply irresistible
A treasure to keep for the one who holds

Consider sunflowers with their sunshine yellow petals
They stand taller than the rest and somehow
They seem to steal the show when on display
Their radiant beams warm up happy hearts
Or orchids, who shine secure in their uniqueness
As they carry an air of luxury around them
Unperturbed by the passage of time
They retain their fragrance through every season

Yet none ever began this way.
Buried under the earth was a seed
Pregnant with potential but buried
Under heaps of sand, it remains unseen
Unheard, unloved, and untouched
Until the guardian light, the sunlight
Gives a sweet and gentle kiss that
Wakes her from her deep, unwanted slumber
She arises from obscurity and mediocrity
Her seed form takes on a new form

Like an adolescent going through puberty
She enters a season of growth spurts
The sullen bud struggles to pry open
Despite being tethered by sepals
Until the break of a new day, a new dawn
The bud of yesterday manifests her true identity
What had always been there, even if just a lone seed
Her petals unfurl and kiss yesterday’s looks goodbye
Her beauty blinds every eye that falls on it
Each petal tells a story for all who care to listen
It’s a story of resilience, grooming, and endurance

And when the time comes for yesterday’s glory
To give way to today’s wilting
Since life and beauty are both fleeting
She won’t be easily forgotten
Her impact and fragrance linger
Longer than the time she lived for
Her legacy permeates the chill atmosphere
Now bereft of her glorious presence