A new year often signals the start of something fresh or the opportunity to begin anew. With the arrival of a new year comes the expectation of a “new you” and a new beginning. However, the reality may not be as straightforward as it sounds.
When the calendar flips from December 31st to January 1st, it may be labeled a new year, but that’s merely a change of date. I hope you are not among those who believe that this change in number automatically translates into a different life for you.
The phrase “new year, new you” may be incredibly cliché, but the unsettling truth is that the year only becomes new when you commit to becoming a new version of yourself.
At this juncture, I would like to borrow a thought from the wise philosopher King Solomon, who once remarked that there is nothing new under the sun. The world of fashion exemplifies this idea effortlessly; styles, textiles, and textures that once went out of vogue can suddenly regain popularity with just a slight twist. So indeed, the year isn’t new.
Similarly, let me reference the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton, who declared in his first law of motion that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. It’s not far-fetched to think that Newton might have had both mechanics and life dynamics in mind when developing this law.
For many who believe real change occurs with the passage of time, Newton’s law aptly describes a reality that defines our existence while we are still on this earth. While earth-bound rules may be broken in Heaven, change on earth only happens when you put in your own effort.
To escape the illusion that a new date brings change, we must return to the drawing board of our lives and outline a new path if we truly want this year to be different. Since the new year will not present any more good or any less evil than the previous year, we must also take stock of the limiting mindsets we cling to and seek to replace them with uplifting beliefs that bring us closer to the life we desire. Perhaps, this explains why New Year’s resolutions often take the spotlight at the beginning of the year. However, what good are New Year resolutions without a resolute you?
I don’t intend to cast dark clouds over your New Year celebration, but consider this gentle drizzle of reason to help navigate the realities and uncertainties ahead. I hope this insight serves as a gentle reminder to approach this new year with your best effort. When you’ve done all that you can, find contentment in your achievements.
What will be the one thing you do differently this year?
Happy New You!