Photo Credit: Synergy_graphics

“And so it begins. It’s unprecedented. You’ve made your choice. Come with me to the end as we look through from the beginning…”

Almost three weeks have passed since the soon-to-be MBBDS graduating class of 2025, adopted a new name that will be eternally associated with them. On a cool Saturday evening, the 2021 class made history by unveiling their names during a three-hour ceremony on the volleyball court. Regardless of what each person thought of the new name, the unveiling ceremony was certain to be a breathtaking experience—one that climaxed in the epic end of Oka.

“A path is set before you. Trails once followed by the tribe, MaXXimus; Traversed by soldiers with armour of Titanium; Valiant men wielding the great sword of Excelsior… men rose from the dirt like the Lotus and got through to the other side…”

Every graduating class typically chooses a name to identify themselves as they finish their studies. This tradition has been around for many years. For example, the MBBDS graduating class of 2024 chose the name “Lotus ’24”. For the 2021 class, the name Oka, a Yoruba native name for a cobra, was chosen for the first time as the class name for the 2022 Ulympics. This decision was made when the class was in their 400 Level.

The name had received a lot of love because many people enjoyed the mystery it added to the class. It felt unique and different. As expected, the name had made the class quite popular and notorious, especially during football matches. With that name, opponents had only two choices: surrender or be bitten. It was during this time that the class recorded a good number of football victories, defeating both senior and junior classes alike. The name had spread like wildfire; it was that contagious. As time passed, the name seemed to stick, and it was again chosen for the 2023 Ulympics seeing the good havoc it wreaked.

“Now it is up to you. Now is time to trump Ogba. By your words, by your hands, by any means necessary…”

When the time came to choose a name that the class would be remembered for, both in the yearbook and history books, Oka came under fire. Several die-hard fans of the name suggested that it should be maintained as the class’s final name. Some people promptly rejected the idea of naming the class Oka permanently, considering it unfitting. They believed that the name was not in line with the naming choices used in previous years, and felt that it was time for Oka to take a bow.

Supporters of Oka saw no issue with keeping the name, as they believed it distinguished the class. The debate continued in the class’s WhatsApp group until a democratic approach was employed to select the final name. The selection process was conducted using a Google form containing three name options: Oka, Eximus, and Insignis. Those who were not in favour of Oka had only two other name options to choose from. The results of the voting process were kept secret until the big reveal at the unveiling ceremony.

“All your life you have shown remarkable feats; overcoming challenges that pop up. Displaying excellence without effort…”

The evening started with a few games to liven up the atmosphere. One game required players to provide the correct first and last names of at least ten classmates present. Only the class majority leader excelled at this, providing fourteen correct answers in thirty seconds.

Refreshments, graciously provided by the welfare committee, were passed around, leaving all attendees with prawn crackers in one hand and a cup of punch in the other. Some clips from the class-produced movie “The Last Straw” were played. The sight of different class members’ faces appearing on the display triggered giggles and chuckles from the viewers, taking most of them on a journey to the past. This movie, produced by the class, stands as one of the many proofs of being a class with a zing. Finally, the time for the name unveiling came.

Screams of joy pierced the tense atmosphere as the unveiling video began, while other anxious onlookers held their breath and gripped the handles of their chairs. “And so it begins. It’s unprecedented…”  The female voice-over began. By now, darkness had fallen, thanks to the blackout, which deliberately served to enhance the projected video. “A path is set before you…” The climactic music playing in the background heightened the tension already permeating the chilly air. “Now it is up to you…” The male voice-over continued. The video showcased images and clips from their white coat ceremony, evoking nostalgic emotions from the viewers. “All your life you have shown remarkable feats…” More video clips were shared, showing the class engaging in fun activities at various times.

“2k21 begin your journey as you will be called…” With our hearts beating faster than a hundred beats per minute, we watched as the countdown timer moved from nine down to one. “…Insignis ’25”, declared both voice-overs and it was over. Our fate was sealed permanently. The name, Oka, went up in flames as the firecrackers got lit, followed by joyous squeals that seemed to drown out grumbling voices. The night was truly wonderful to behold; an experience best appreciated firsthand.

Class members jubilating at the unveiling ceremony. Photo Credit: Ayotunde Oni

Amid the ongoing celebrations, supporters of Oka could still be heard in the background, continuing to advocate for their fallen candidate. Some even joked that the elections had been rigged. Whether rigged or not, Oka’s reign had come to an end, and it did so in a grand style. The 2021 class will now be known as Insignis ’25. The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks from the co-head of the planning committee, who graciously enlightened the audience about the new name. Insignis is a Latin word meaning badge of honour; a distinguishing sign or mark.

Although the highlight of the evening had been the name unveiling video, the event had been rich with memories of the wild adventures the class had embarked on at various points in their journey and shared experiences.

If all the escapades and triumphs were to be mentioned, this article wouldn’t be able to contain them all. Let’s not forget the numerous battles and challenges overcome. The 2021 Class has made significant strides in leaving their mark on Ogba’s ‘Hall of Fame’. The name “INSIGNIS” has definitively provided a name and an official seal to this.

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