


Freedom at last!
We chanted in the mosques and churches
We danced on the streets and in our houses.
We screamed till we could only squeak.
We were free!
It was October, the first in the year 1960

Let us!
Let us!
Let us live!
We chanted in the mosques and churches.
We pleaded on the streets and in our houses.
We cried until we could only sniffle.
We were tired!
It was October, the eighth, in the year 2020.

Hear us!
Hear us!
Hear us cry!
We begged on the media and in the papers.
We mourned on the roads and in our quarters.
We persistently asked for justice amidst our grief.
We were in pain!
It was October, the twentieth, in the year 2020.

It is gloom and doom all around us.
The people weep.
The lands bleed.
The skies cry.
The leaders lie.
We shout, we bleed, we mourn, we cry.
Yet we speak, even if we die.

Listen to our voices!
Hear our cry!
Save us from our oppressors!
That we may chant again,
Freedom at last!

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