DOKITA Editorial Board’s 52nd Annual Symposium and 41st Journal Launch

On Tuesday, 17th of December, 2024, DOKITA Editorial Board, the first peer-reviewed journal in Sub-Saharan Africa held her 52nd Annual Symposium and 41st Journal Launch. The symposium which was hosted by Miss Angela Edhere began at about 10:30am and held at Paul Hendrickse Lecture Theatre, UCH.
In attendance were Professor Temitope Alonge – the symposium chairman, a former Editor-In-Chief of the board, and a former Chief Medical Director of the hospital; Professor A. O. Omigbodun – the Board Chairman, and a former provost; Professor Olawoye, the Deputy CMAC (Chairman of the Medical Advisory Committee) representing the Chief Medical Director; Dr Ogbole, who represented the provost of the college and the university’s Vice Chancellor; Professor Owolabi, consultant neurologist; Dr J. O. Adeleye, consultant endocrinologist; Professor Adesola Ogunniyi and Dr Adeosun both editorial consultants of the board, Professor Adesola Olumide, Director of CRIM, Dr Olukemi Adekanmbi, and Dr Oyewale Morakinyo being the three speakers of the day, the representative of the college secretary, deans of faculties, and heads of departments.

After an opening prayer by a board member and recitations of the national and college anthems, the program kicked off with a welcome address by the “Editor-In-Chief of the board”, Mr. John Adejinmi. The symposium chairman, Professor T. Alonge, also gave a welcome address. Next, Miss Rhoda Fadairo, a board member, presented updates on the board’s activities.
The symposium, themed “Contemporary Threats to Nigeria’s Public Health: Infectious Diseases, Flooding, and Research Funding Deficits,” commenced with the first lecture on Infectious Diseases presented by Dr. Olukemi Adekanmbi, a consultant in the infectious disease unit. She highlighted the emergence of Antimicrobial Resistance as a more significant threat than tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS, the three leading infectious diseases.
Dr. Oyewale Morakinyo, an environmental epidemiologist, then discussed the impact of flooding in Nigeria and proposed potential solutions. The final lecture, titled “Research Funding Deficits,” was delivered by Professor Adesola Olumide, the director of College Research and Innovation Management (CRIM). She extensively discussed the critical need for government funding of research rather than relying solely on external funding sources.
After the lectures concluded, a panel session was held, allowing attendees to ask questions and engage in further discussions.

The medical librarian, Dr Adejuwon, talked about “UpToDate” a clinician decision support software for medical professionals. The College of Medicine procured free access to the platform starting in 2020 and expiring in 2025. Despite free access to the platform, the medical librarian lamented about the poor uptake and usage.
To this effect, the “UpToDate Champions” were introduced. These are students themselves who are tasked with the responsibility geared towards influencing students to make good use of this opportunity. A member of the board and an UpToDate champion, Mr. Alabi Joshua, made a presentation on the software.
Professor Owolabi was invited to the podium to review the 41st edition of the DOKITA Editorial Board. Subsequently, the journal was launched by the symposium chairman.
During the program winners of the 10th edition of the biennial Professor J. A. Adeleye inter-medical school essay competition were awarded. Dr J. O. Adeleye, daughter of Professor J. A. Adeleye, was invited onstage to present the award plaques. The second runner-up was Mr. Inioluwa Joshua of the University of Ibadan, Mr. Ugor Benedict of the University of Ibadan was the first runner-up, and Mr Bello Hussein of the University of Ilorin emerged winner of the competition.
Plaques were delivered to the speakers and the immediate past editorial consultants, Professor Ogunniyi and Dr Adeosun. Professor Owolabi, Dr Adebayo, and Dr Ogbole were named new editorial consultants of the board.
The program was brought to a close with closing remarks by the board chairman, Professor Omigbodun, and a vote of thanks by the co-head of the symposium planning committee, Miss Victoria Kolawole.