Asido Campus Network Holds Virtual Event to Commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day




Photo Credit: Asido Campus Network

The 9th of September, 2024, marked the day the Asido Campus Network of the University of Ibadan (ACN’UI) held its second edition of “Matters that Matters” themed: It’s Okay to be Not Okay. The previous edition had been themed, “Sincerely Speaking, Suicide” and featured an inter-hall oratory contest where Alexander Brown Hall emerged winner.

This year, to commemorate the World Suicide Prevention Day that holds every 10th of September, the Asido Campus Network held the second edition of “Matters that Matters” virtually via Zoom. The event was geared towards Suicide Prevention. 

The event commenced exactly 11 am on Zoom with an opening speech by the President, Miss. Ifeoluwa Sanni. This was immediately followed by oratory speeches by four members of The Literary and Debate Society UI (TLDS’UI). They were Miss. Dunmade Oluwatamilore, Miss. Mayowa Fakayode, Mr. Aderibigbe Emmanuel, and Mr. Ajibowo Toluwalayo. Their pieces were taken in this order and centered on suicide awareness and prevention leaving all participants with crucial takeaways.

The first speaker explained how suicide wasn’t just the act of taking one’s life but a cry for help that was silenced, ignored, or drowned out by the noise of everyday life. The second speaker emphasized the importance of being present and offering hope in preventing suicide. The third speaker revealed how the society has remained silent on the topic of suicide and how it hasn’t helped matters. The final speaker made it clear that in breaking the silence, a clear path and space is created for healing and compassion.

Following the conclusion of the oratory speeches was the introduction of Dr. Jibril Abdumalik, the Co-founder of the Asido Foundation and an Associate Professor at the Psychiatry department of UCH. A brief interlude as a giveaway session followed before the Panelist Session commenced.

The three-man Panelists were Dr. Egbokhare Olayinka, the Director of Biomedical Communications Centre UCH, Mr. Muhammed Ahmed, popularly known as Mentor Moh and also the Director for Youth Mental Health Asido, and Miss Olaoluwa O. Tawakalt, a graduate of UI and the immediate past President of ACN’UI. Their discussions centered on shedding light on suicide awareness.

Dr. Egbokhare emphasized the importance of relationships and beliefs in mental health promotion and recommended sleeping apps and helplines for those who might be feeling down or suicidal. Miss Tawakalt mentioned the various possible signs of suicidal tendencies which included sudden changes in behavior such as excessive and unhealthy eating, food deprivation, insomnia, withdrawal, or sudden extrovertedness.

Mentor Moh sensitized participants on the risk factors that could predispose people to suicide such as toxic relationships and uncontrolled exposure to negative contents on the media. In his words, As humans, we’re social beings surrounded by human beings yet people are lonely. 

The Panelist Session came to a final close with a second giveaway session testing the attention and knowledge of the audience on the types of stressors. By exactly 1:10 pm, the event was wrapped up with a closing speech and vote of thanks by the President.

Photo credit: Arbor wellness

In the words of the third oratory speaker, In the next 1 hour, 82 people will die, not from accidents or diseases but because someone refused to break the silence. This virtual event held in commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day, admonished all to be present, love, and care for those around them and also emphasized the need to speak and save lives, one life at a time.

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