A letter to 2025


As I sit down to write to you, I am filled with so much pleasure and excitement, and I really can’t wait to see and experience the answer to my curiosity, who are you?
I know you’re yet to be born, but in just few days I’d see you. I can’t wait to behold the beauty of you, as I wrap myself through your whole three-six-five pages.
Three hundred and sixty five days that have been gifted since ages to those death has failed in stopping their age.
Day after day, I hope to arrive with a smile.
The bell is about to ring of tunes of a new dawn, each day writes on each page and in the twinkling of an eye, it’s all filled up. I hope I end with a smile too.
The world is changing at a break-neck pace, and I can only imagine the wonders and challenges you will bring.
Yes, life is filled with strife, yet, it will soon be time to strive even on these new pages of 2025.
Each day will come as a game. Each day I must win. And I know the vine knows what each day will birth, I hope to arrive with a smile.
Most Holy, in you solace is found, that my weary bones find rest and the soil of thy tongue grows the tree of Life, so when my strength fails, let it speak life into me, that I, might end, with a smile.
2024 has been conquered already and in few hours, the victory will be announced.
As you emerge, I hope you will bring with you a renewed sense of purpose and hope, birthing greater things with each passing day, defeating every obstacle and breaking barriers that might want to scar the beautiful that is you.
As I look forward to having you, I am filled with a sense of wonder and awe because despite the debris surrounding your gold, it shall be refined.
As I also recognize that you are not without challenges. I know that you, 2025, will bring your own set of complexities and uncertainties. You will require me to be adaptable, resilient, and forward-thinking.
As we embark on this journey together, I offer these words of advice: just like a child when born is nutured, 2025 must be nutured to get an expected end and let us be guided by our shared humanity, our compassion, and our empathy. Let us strive to create a world that is more just, more equitable, and more sustainable. Let us work together to build a brighter future.

Welcome, 2025.

Yours sincerely,

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