
As the university commences her biannual inter-hall sport competition on Monday, 25 June, 2018, Alexander Brown hall contingents are set to dazzle with outstanding performances. The hall is expected to be represented in football (male and female), Basketball, Volleyball, Table tennis, Lawn tennis, Chess, Scrabbles, athletics and Taekwondo. The past few days have witnessed intense trainings of the hall’s representatives especially in football, volleyball, chess and the female dominated scrabble.

In an interview with Malik Bello, one of the senior players of the volleyball team, he said “the volleyball training is going on fine. We have a complete squad and sub. We will be fine although we will miss experienced players of the 2k14 set”. Some other prominent football players of the hall who confided in ABH PRESS however expressed reservation and dissatisfaction at the way and level of preparation in the football team. One of them commented,” The selection was not transparent in the least. People were not carried along from the first day. Most of the ABH stars were not aware of the training and selection”.  

Another said “the squad is dominated by 2k16 and Komodo FC guys. It’s like a class thing mentality. Nobody knows who chose the coach or the team. Nobody knew they have a whatsapp group. In fact, they don’t have a second keeper. One of our main guys refused to join the training after he accused the coach of being bias. 2k14 guys are not playing; maybe just one or two 2k15 guys are in the team”.

The female football team could not train on Sunday due to the continuous downpour. It is also reported that some 2k14 basketball players may join the hall team despite their final exam preparation.

Here are photos of the scheduled games for the Inter-Hall Competition:

WhatsApp Image 2018-06-26 at 22.11.01WhatsApp Image 2018-06-26 at 22.10.52WhatsApp Image 2018-06-26 at 22.10.43WhatsApp Image 2018-06-26 at 22.10.38

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